Motivational Speaker


Highway Hypnosis: How Your Thoughts Shape Your Actions and Results

Highway Hypnosis: How Your Thoughts Shape Your Actions and Results Habits are the silent architects of our lives. They shape our daily routines, influence our decisions, and ultimately determine our success or failure. Yet, we often go about our day without giving much thought to these ingrained behaviors. It’s not until we make a conscious effort to reflect on them,

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The Power of Perspective: Unraveling the True Meaning of Success!

The Power of Perspective: Unraveling the True Meaning of Success! I have often come across quotes and sayings that have left a lasting impact in my mind. One famous quote, attributed to the Roman philosopher Seneca, states, “Luck Is What Happens When Preparation Meets Opportunity.” While this statement has been widely interpreted as a testament to the role of hard

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Transform Your Sales and Leadership with the Power of AutoThoughts™

In the pursuit of success, we often appear to hinge on external achievements—hitting targets, closing deals, and earning accolades. Don’t get me wrong. Business is a for-profit endeavor. However, when we look for ways to succeed and grow, true success is not merely about these outward markers. It lies in the continuous growth and transformation that occur within us. At

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Growth Mindset Speaker with Take-Home Value

Reprogramming Your Mind for Success is designed to help you overcome self-doubt, boost confidence, and develop a success-oriented mindset. This leads to increased productivity, resilience, and opportunities for personal growth and achievement. Can you be more successful? Reprogram your mind for success. Overcome self-doubt, boost confidence, and cultivate a success-oriented mindset. Attention Sales Leaders: Are you seeking a keynote speaker

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The Importance of Adopting a Solution-Focused Mindset

The power to shape our destiny lies within ourselves. When we hold ourselves accountable for our actions, successes, and failures, we acknowledge that we have the ability to impact our lives and those around us. In business, many believe that their goal is to sell, whether it is a product, service, destination, or experience. However, this focus on selling can

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What Happens Next and New Opportunities Offer Growth!

What Happens Next and New Opportunities Offer Growth!  – Linda Bernardi and Ricky Kalmon Linda Bernardi: Two weeks ago, I had the absolute pleasure to be a guest on Ricky Kalmon’s podcast, Amplify Your Mindset. Our discussion centered around ‘influence’ in leadership and mindsets. Leaders can lead with position and power, but how do you achieve the ‘influence-factor’ and how can leaders

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Now, More than Ever, Invest in Your Team and Leadership!

Now, More than Ever, Invest in Your Team and Leadership! Let’s face it, business as usual is a term of the past. It isn’t business as usual. These are unprecedented times, and employees are experiencing stress, anxiety, and uncertainty. Working remotely offers unique challenges and can result in employees feeling isolated, overwhelmed while adapting to change, and increased stress. All

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6 Ways to Cope with COVID-19 Anxiety!

Six Things You Can Do to Reduce Anxiety and Stress during the COVID-19 Pandemic. The coronavirus pandemic has caused uncertainty and tremendous stress around the world. Coping with the changes to our personal and professional lives has become the number one topic on social media and news outlets. Adapting to change is an understatement these days, and many people are experiencing

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5 Ways to Use Guided Hypnosis for Stress Relief

Are you stressed??? You are not alone… Just consider these staggering statistics on the effects of stress and anxiety in the workplace: •40% of workers reported their job was very or extremely stressful •25% view their jobs as the number one stressor in their lives •Three fourths of employees believe that workers have more on-the-job stress than a generation ago

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The Importance of Mindset at Work and in Life

Take Action to Your Mindset and Unlock Your Full Potential! As a motivational speaker, I stress the importance of “mindset” in everything we do. We all want to succeed in our work and live happy, healthy lives. You might have goals to help yourself do this: to increase your team’s sales volume, spend more time with the kids, eat better,

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