Successful athletes know the secret! Did you watch Shaun White win his third Gold Medal? He is just one of many successes who understand the power of the mind. I am always captivated with an athlete who gives credit to their mindset! Successful athletes know the secret to their maximum potential is the harmonious marriage of positive mindset and physical
3 Key Factors to Overcoming the Status Quo Impact your corporate culture to leverage growth and success today! When most leaders think of corporate growth, their first thoughts turn toward research and development and being at the forefront of innovation. These are vital to sustain or grow a company’s status; however, they are just a couple spokes of the progress
Hold Yourself Accountable – Reduce Stress and Meditate! Many of my corporate entertainment programs lead into motivational keynote speeches and seminars. My goal is to offer empowerment technique that for personal and professional motivation. You are responsible for the foods you eat and the decisions you make. You are also responsible for your thoughts. If you’re stressed or suffer from a lack