When We Fail to Try, We Do, Indeed, Fail.

As a motivational speaker, my goal is to offer my clients revealing techniques that empower their audience. Mindset is a simple but powerful element that can be a strong factor in taking a team and leadership to the next level of success.  Recently I was giving a motivational keynote on sales and accountability.  One of my key elements of the keynote was on how our mind reacts to our thoughts.  For example, assumptions!!! If there is one thing we’ve learned about assumptions, it’s that they’re often proven to be wrong. Assumptions are never a sure thing. Nobody can be certain of any outcome until it actually comes to fruition. That’s because it’s impossible to know what kind of results can be achieved until someone actually sets out to achieve them. Our capabilities are not predictable and remain unknown until we try.

The only thing that is certain is that when we fail to try, we do, indeed, fail. But failing once doesn’t mean we will fail all of the time. How many people have attempted something and failed, only to try again and finally achieve their goal—they finally quit smoking, lost weight, finished school, or found a solution to an ongoing problem. What happened to spark their success? Their mindset changed. They became personally and/or professionally accountable. Simply by changing our mindset to one that willing to put forth effort and determination, we become one step closer to accomplishing a task or mastering a skill.

When you assume you can’t, you can’t. Never make assumptions about your own capabilities. Don’t assume the outcomes of inspired and engaged employees or leadership. Instead, encourage an “I can” mindset, one that empowers you and everyone in your organization to explore new opportunities. When you do, the possibilities … and results … are likely to surprise you. How often are you aware of your mindset and the direction it might take you?  Especially as you interact with your team. Be a leader of mindset awareness!

One of the best ways to encourage this kind of positive mindset is to actively engage everyone in your organization. Make your employees feel like they are a valuable part of your progress and success. Don’t assume what can or cannot be done—encourage and engage them to discover just how much they can contribute. Given the chance and the encouragement to try, they just might surprise themselves and you.

Anticipate change and give yourself permission to make it happen. Nothing is impossible, unless you assume it isn’t.

My corporate motivational keynote program offers executives and employees at all levels a way to bring out the best in themselves. If you are planning a corporate event, sales conference, or meeting, my programs can be customized to fit your audience and overall theme. They are developed to take you and your team to the next level of success. In addition, check out my comedy show for corporate entertainment.

Ricky Kalmon Offers Two Powerful and Exciting Corporate Programs
Corporate Entertainment – Interactive Comedy Hypnosis Show
Motivational Keynotes – Topics: Reducing Stress, Unlock Your Selling Ability, Accountability, Personal and Professional Empowerment

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